Perth’s tallest wattle can grow to 10 m although frequent fires will restrict its growth. It is found near the coast on sand or limestone, […]
Rock Mallee / Limestone Mallee (Eucalyptus petrensis)
Rock mallee grows in shallow soil on limestone ridges, up to a height of 4 m. It is quite rare. Its species name petrensis comes from […]
Saltwater paperbark (Melaleuca cuticularis)
Saltwater paperbark is found near saline or brackish water, with the Swan estuary its most northern occurrence. It has a gnarled appearance, growing up to […]
Bull Banksia (Banksia grandis)
Unlike other banksias, bull banksia is plentiful in the Jarrah forest of the Darling Plateau. It also grows on the coastal plain, especially in Tuart […]