Spreading snottygobble is a small tree up to 6 m tall, found, like upright snottygobble, in the Jarrah forest. Its buds, flowers and fruit are […]
Upright Snottygobble (Persoonia longifolia)
Upright snottygobble is an erect, somewhat weeping, shrub or small tree, 1-5 m tall, growing in the jarrah forest of the Darling Plateau. Its leaves […]
Two-leaf Hakea (Hakea trifurcata)
Two-leaf hakea is found both on coastal limestone and the Darling Scarp, growing to around 3 m in height. It is unusual in having two […]
Kingia (Kingia australis)
This primeval-looking plant grows up to 7 m tall and is largely confined to the south-west of Western Australia. Near Perth, it grows on the […]