One-sided bottlebrush is common on the coastal plain and the Darling range, growing up to 2.5 m tall. Dark red flowers occur in spring and […]
Prickly Mirbelia (Mirbelia dilatata)
Prickly mirbelia is an erect, spindly shrub, 3-5 m tall, growing in the Darling Range on moist, heavy soils mainly to the south of Perth. […]
Rottnest Cypress (Callitris preissii)
Rottnest Cypress is a small conifer, growing on the coast and offshore islands, where it tolerates dry, alkaline soils and salty winds. In such places […]
Swamp Banksia (Banksia littoralis)
As its name suggests, this banksia grows in or near wetlands, both on the coastal plain and in the Darling Range. It can reach a […]