Wandoo can grow up to 30 m tall but its trunk only reaches about 1 m in diameter. It prefers fertile, clayey soils and is […]
Darling Range Ghost Gum, butter gum (Eucalyptus laeliae)
A graceful, usually medium-sized tree (although it can grow up to 30 m), largely confined to the western scarp of the Darling Range, but with […]
Candle Banksia (Banksia attenuata)
Candle and firewood banksias are the two most common banksias on the coastal plain. Candle banksia grows up to 10 m tall. Candle-like flower spikes […]
Blackbutt (Eucalyptus patens)
Blackbutt is a large tree, up to 45 m tall, which grows in valleys by rivers and streams in the Darling Range and higher rainfall […]