A tall shrub or small tree up to 8 m in height, which grows on the coastal plain mainly to the north of the Swan […]
Chenille Honey-Myrtle (Melaleuca huegelii)
Chenille Honey-myrtle is a shrub or small tree which grows on coastal limestone. It is highly regarded for its showy flower-spikes. Pink buds compliment cylinders […]
Holly-Leaf Banksia (Banksia ilicifolia)
Holly-leaf banksia is a primitive banksia with close links to dryandra. It grows to around 10 m and is found on the coastal plain. Unlike […]
Pricklybark, Coastal Blackbutt (Eucalyptus todtiana)
A stout tree, wider than tall, growing up to 15 m tall. It grows on the least fertile soils of the coastal plain, especially to […]